Nintendo DS System
Fun and Games Wholesale

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"With Nintendo DS Lite, dual screens and touch-screen technology allow you to interact with games like never before. Wireless communication allows you to experience real-time multiplayer gameplay, and the free Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service allows you to compete against players from around the globe." -
Dual Screens
Two attractive bright LCD screens offer a nice alternative to the larger gaming systems, one of the best hand held systems ever created. Each 3-inch screen can reproduce a true 3D view, featuring an impressive 3D rendering that can surpass images displayed on the Nintendo 64.
Review Snippets.
"On either side of the top screen are the speakers. Let me tell you, the sound on the DS totally blew me away. It has a virtual surround sound mode that sounds better than my PC. Maximum volume level through the speakers is not super loud (parents will be happy for that!), but I think it is loud enough for all but the noisiest environments." -
"Two beautiful screens (the bottom one is touch-sensitive) and stereo simulated surround sound give the Nintendo DS the most immersive portable gaming experience around. Built-in wireless connectivity so you can play against or communicate with friends." -
"If the GBA was the Super NES in mobile form then this is a portable N64. A few hours spent with Super Mario 64 DS will tell you that the ARM9 and ARM7 CPUs are perfectly capable of doing anything you would have seen on the N64's custom hardware, and there are times when the bundled demo version of Metroid Prime: Hunters has you suspecting that it might have the potential to surpass it." -